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December 2001, I won second place in the IPA category at the
Louis Brews Happy Holiday Competition
with my Broadside IPA.
In March 2003, I won second place in the Kolsch category at the Reggale & Dredhop Homebrew Competition in Boulder Colorado with my Milestone 500.
In May 2003, I won second place in the Bitter & English Pale Ale category at the 14th Annual Sunshine Challenge (click on Sunshine Challenge then History and follow to the year 2003) in Orlando with Harry's ESB.
In November 2003 at the Novembeerfest I won 2nd place in British and Scottish Ale with MacGregor's Export, 2nd place in German Ale with Milestone 500 and 1st place in Belgian and French with Trippin Tripple. http://www.brewsbrothers.org/nbf03/nbf03results.htm
In July 2004 I competed against 12 other Kolsch category winners from across North America in the Masters Championship of Amateur Brewers. http://hbd.org/mcab/
Unfortunately for me I didn't place. Oh well the 2005 competition season is just starting and I hope to gain another entry to MCAB.
In March 2005 I won 1st place with an English Bitter, apparently not well enough for MCAB though. http://www.knaves.org/DMC/victor/VICTORS2005.htm